Smart Traffic Planning System to Start Operating In Tel Aviv
In recent news, it has been revealed that new software for the purpose of traffic planning, LISA, will now be used in the city of Tel Aviv. It will be dedicated towards traffic, as well as the light rail located in Jerusalem. The Transportation Ministry of the State of Israel had previously created a committee to oversee the permits and approvals for the project. Now, the committee has given its approval for the adoption of LISA, which is the German acronym used for traffic signal controls analysis and simulation. The new software will be aiding in the process of traffic planning in the Jewish state.
The traffic planning software has been developed by a German company, namely Schlothauer and Wauer. It also has a branch in Israel, which is led by the YSB Yaakobi Brothers Group. The Jewish state is not the first or second country where LISA will be introduced. Rather, it is the leading traffic planning software that is used in countries across the globe. With the help of the software, the relevant authorities in Jerusalem will be developing and implementing a new master plan. As a result, they hope to revamp the system of transportation in the city. LISA’s abilities will be used to plan with respect to making several changes to different transportation systems. These will include light rail and buses.
As of now, LISA is being used in a couple of countries across the globe, especially those in Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa. It boasts unmatched and cutting-edge capabilities for the purpose of traffic planning. The software also has a simulation tool, which can help optimize traffic coming in and going from every intersection. Consequently, it allows efficient planning and does not compromise on safety. The tool has the capability to account for scooters, cars, as well as pedestrians. It also reduces the amount of air pollution present by optimizing wait times.
LISA was chosen by Ariel Vimazor of the YSB Yaakobi Brothers Group to team up with the smart traffic light control system being used currently, FALCON. It was developed by Accelerate Smart Traffic and is also owned by them. For the last eight years, FALCON has been operating in the Jewish state. It has the ability to upload traffic plans to the traffic lights located everywhere. It can use plans being developed by various manufacturers. FALCON has been instrumental in helping make things efficient for the light rail system in Jerusalem and is now being built in the light rail system in Tel Aviv.
As of now, Accelerate Smart Traffic is focusing on making additions to the system of FALCON, which includes the introduction of interfaces for the cameras, a smart traffic light algorithm, road signs, and autonomous vehicle interfaces. LISA has successfully won no less than two national projects in the State of Israel, which includes tenders for a master plan for the transportation system in Jerusalem, as well as the Ayalon Highway.